Brinsworth Manor Junior School

Brinsworth Manor Junior School

Part of White Woods Primary Academy Trust

Brinsworth Lane, Rotherham, South Yorkshire, S60 5BX

01709 828505


Our policies are continually being updated, alongside the Governing Body. These policies should provide you with all the information you require. If these are not helpful, please do not hesitate to contact the school office and ask for more information. 

A copy of the policies can be downloaded by clicking on the link or if you prefer a printed copy, please contact our school office.

 2022 School Uniform Policy.docx.pdfDownload
 2022-24 Charging and Remissions Policy.pdfDownload
 2022-24 Complaints Policy.pdfDownload
 2022-24 Suspension and Exclusion Policy.pdfDownload
 2022-24 Whistleblowing Policy.pdfDownload
 Anti Bullying Policy Sept 2021.docx.pdfDownload
 Brinsworth Manor Junior School Local Offer January 2022.docx.pdfDownload
 Disability and Equality Policy 2021.docx.pdfDownload
 Home School Agreement 21-22.docx.pdfDownload
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